3Frames Software Labs

3Frames Software Labs


Future of Quality Management in the Food & Packaging Industry: Deep learning and 3D machine vision

Future of Quality Management in the Food & Packaging Industry: Deep learning and 3D machine vision admin    | January 23, 2024    | Blog Two of the most important measures of performance have always been ‘quality of production’ and ‘profit margins.’ … Read More

How to be 100% audit ready with QMS

How to be 100% audit ready with QMS admin    | January 23, 2024    | Blog If it weren’t for audits, thousands of accounting frauds would have gone unnoticed, innocent people would have continued to be ripped off, and several companies … Read More

Understanding Quality 5.0 from the Prism of Industry 5.0

Understanding Quality 5.0 from the Prism of Industry 5.0 admin    | January 23, 2024    | Blog In an interesting study published by Gartner, 88% of service leaders said that their existing quality assurance (QA) processes were ineffective and rarely matched the expectations … Read More

Automation: Key to reducing the cost of quality in TQM

Automation: Key to reducing the cost of quality in TQM admin    | January 23, 2024    | Blog With increasing focus on the importance of quality management, the term Cost of Quality (CoQ) has also gained importance. According to the American Society … Read More

Using Predictive Quality Analysis to Amplify your Profits

Using Predictive Quality Analysis to Amplify your Profits admin    | January 23, 2024    | Blog Like Benjamin Franklin famously said, “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.” The saying holds especially true for businesses. While one of the … Read More

The Role of Ethical Sourcing and Manufacturing in the Garment Industry

The Role of Ethical Sourcing and Manufacturing in the Garment Industry admin    | January 23, 2024    | Blog The key to being a part of a global village is access to information and a heightened awareness of factors affecting the … Read More

Improving Customer Experience with Zero Defects

Improving Customer Experience with Zero Defects admin    | January 23, 2024    | Blog In the 1980s, Motorola took the business world by storm when it launched the Six Sigma technology that saved billions for them. However, the Japanese were still … Read More

5 Things to Consider Before Choosing a QMS for Your Garment Manufacturing Business

5 Things to Consider Before Choosing a QMS for Your Garment Manufacturing Business admin    | January 23, 2024    | Blog The garment manufacturing industry is one of the most lucrative sectors right now. As per the latest statistics, global apparel … Read More

Benefits of Automating the Packaging and Labelling Unit (PLU) Verification on Production Lines in Real-Time

Benefits of Automating the Packaging and Labelling Unit (PLU) Verification on Production Lines in Real-Time admin    | January 16, 2024    | Blog Product labels across a broad range of packaging industries are subject to strict regulatory requirements and compliances. While … Read More

Proactive or reactive: Which approach are you using for Quality Management?

Proactive or reactive: Which approach are you using for Quality Management? admin    | January 12, 2024    | Blog The organization’s proactive and reactive procedures, workflows, and functions are necessary to create a culture of quality. The optimum strategy to achieve … Read More